Crumpet’s Got Polish Challenge – Valentines Day

Here are my Valentines day nails for todays got polish challenge! I have to say I’m really not into the whole Valentines day thing, I find it all far to commercialized and a bit cheap… But enough of me grumbling lol!

GOT Polish - Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day Nail Art

I started out by making the little stamped decals using Bundle monster BM-401, for the stamping I used Konad special polish in black.  Then color club ulterior motive for half of the hearts and Maybelline Flash Cosmic with a coat of Barry m shocking pink over the top for the rest.

GOT Polish - Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day nail art

While I was waiting for my decals to dry I used Sinful Colors Bubbly and Barry m shocking pink to create a sponged gradient, Bubbly is a polish from my unused pile along with the Maybelline glitter polish. Then I stamped with China Glaze Cosmic Dust using Moyou Pro Collection XL plate 04 for the leopard print.  I used topcoat to stick on the decals, and added a few dots of Ulterior motive. then another layer of top coat to even it all out!

GOT polish - Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day Nails

This didn’t turn out quite how I was expecting! But for pink and girly it’s not that bad….

Remember to have a look at the GOT polish Pinterest page for more Valentine’s Day nail art!

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